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August 27, 2009

UEC Open Again

Yesterday the UEC re-opened for visitors after the summer break. Ira and Sasha had a busy day at work, since everyone was returning materials we gave us for the summer break. I think Sasha had to put books back on shelves at least four times. Usually you don’t have to do that more than once a day. Two new people signed up to use the library. During the short period I spent at the desk, people checked out such books as What’s So Amazing About Grace and Five Love Languages – a blessing to realize we can serve people with our Christian materials.

Even before we opened, I received four phone calls from different people anxious to come to use the Center. Some 101_0615wanted to return the items they borrowed, others wanted to use our rooms. We are glad that we are so popular even when we are closed! We tried to put facility to best use this summer – Russian Language Institute used our facility to teach Russian to missionaries (pictured on the right), Lena Lovingood came for a visit and stayed at the UEC part of the time. We also hosted several guests who came for Ira and Ivan’s wedding and a birthday party for one of our Ukrainian supporters – Oleg.